Donate during your visit
We don’t charge for admission for visits to our churches however, if everyone who visited contributed a small donation - perhaps £1 or £2, it would raise quite a bit! So please share what you can in our collection boxes. Thank you if you have already done so.
Donate through the post
If you’d prefer to send us a cheque that is fine just make cheques payable to "Friends of St. Andrew's Church" and post to Parish Admin Office, St. Andrew's Church, Talbot Road, Sunderland, SR6 9PT.
Donate through a Standing Order or Direct Debit
Regular donations help us plan for the future. Just a few pounds a month make a huge difference.
Leaving a Legacy in your Will
Leaving a gifting in your will to one of our churches is a simple way of helping to ensure that these majestic and historic buildings will be here for future generations to visit.
Please click on the link or scroll down the page to print off the forms.
Please download the Friends of St. Andrew's Forms, complete and return to
Parish Office, St. Andrew's Church, Talbot Road, Sunderland, SR6 9PT.
Thank You.