Please note that you may attend any of the meetings/activities etc. at our churches even if this is not your regular place of worship.
All Saints' Church
Sunday - Sunday School - 10.30 am in The Vestry Meeting Room
Monday - Age UK Lunch Club - 10.30 am in The Vestry Meeting Room
Monday - (2nd and 4th Mondays) Mother's Union - 2 pm in The Vestry Meeting Room - CURRENTLY ON SUMMER BREAK. RESUMES ON MONDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER.
Tuesday - Prayer Meeting - 10 am held at 28 Inverness Street, Fulwell, Sunderland
Wednesday - Ladies Fellowship - 1.30 pm in The Vestry Meeting Room -
Thursday - Guides - 6 pm held at Roker Methodist Church Hall, Roker, Sunderland
Thursday - Rangers - 8 pm held at Roker Methodist Church Hall, Roker, Sunderland
Saturday - Monthly Coffee Morning (2nd Saturday of each month) - 10 am in The Vestry Meeting Room
St. Andrew's Church
Sunday - Operatic Society - 7.30 pm - held in Priestman Hall, Talbot Road, Roker, Sunderland
Monday - Fitsteps Exercise Class (based around Latin and Ballroom dance moves) - 10.30am - 11.45 am in Priestman Hall - £3.50 a session, suitable for all ages and abilities - no partner required. Contact Ashleigh on 07557345133.
Monday and Tuesday - ACT 6 Drama Group - 7.00 pm - in Priestman Hall. Starting April 2024.
Monday - Snooker Club - 7 pm - 10 pm, side entrance to Priestman Hall
Tuesday - Bell Ringers Practice - 7 pm - in Church Tower
Tuesday - Bible Study - 7.30 pm - 9 pm at St. Andrew's Vicarage, 2A Park Avenue, Roker, Sunderland
Wednesday - The Social Group - meets fortnightly at The Cliffe Pub, Mere Knowles Road, Sunderland, SR6 9LG at 9 pm. Contact Michael Keirl for further details. Starting 3rd January 2024,
Wednesday - Snooker Club - 9.30 am - 4 pm, side entrance to Priestman Hall
Wednesday - Cubs (2 packs) - 5 pm & 6.30 pm in Priestman Hall
Wednesday - Beavers - 6 pm held at Marine Activity Centre,
Thursday - Adult Beginners Ballroom Classes - Priestman Hall, 7 pm - 9 pm, Couples Only. £7 per person. Contact Diane: 07853 064147 for more information.
Thursday - Snooker Club - 7 pm - 10 pm - side entrance to Priestman Hall
Friday - Rainbows - 5 pm - in Priestman Hall
Friday - Brownies - 6.15 pm - in Priestman Hall
Friday - Guides - 7.30 pm - in Priestman Hall
St. Peter's Church
(All activities take place in Bede's Bakehouse in the Church)
Monday - Photography for all - 7 pm
Thursday - Book Club on 3rd Thursday in the month at 3 pm - temporarily suspended
Thursday - Art Class for Beginners - 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm - temporarily suspended
Friday - Afternoon Craft Group - 2.30 pm - 4 pm
Please ring 07943476510 for details regarding the Art Groups
For all other classes, new members are welcome to just come along.
Are you interested is attending a Craft Group? Instead of sitting at home alone why not come along with your knitting or sewing etc. to have a chat and enjoy the company of others who like to be creative?
Everyone is welcome to join us.
We meet together at St. Peter's Church, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland in Bede's Bakehouse on Fridays from
2.30 pm - 4 pm.
All Saints' Church have a monthly coffee morning on the 2nd Saturday of each month which is held in the Vestry Meeting Room from 10 am till 12.30 pm.
A warm welcome awaits you all!
Temporarily suspended
Are you interested in attending an Art class? We meet at St. Peter's in Bede's Bakehouse, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
Beginners Art Class - 6.30 pm -
8.30 pm on Thursdays
Please ring 07943476510 for details regarding this group and attendance.
Temporarily suspended
New Adult Social Ballroom Dance Classes for couples.
Learn the basics in ballroom dances such as the waltz, quickstep, tango and foxtrot. Add some latin fever with cha cha, rumba and jive!
Great fun, good exercise and a great way to meet new friends.
Classes start Thursday, 21st October, 7pm - 9pm at Priestman Hall, St. Andrew's Church, Talbot Road, Roker, Sunderland, SR6 9PT.
Price £7 per person (Couples Only)
for more information please telephone: Diane (Fully qualified instructor with I.D.T.A) on 07853 064147
Please come and join us every Tuesday - 7.30 pm - 9 pm as we study the Bible. We meet in The Rectory, 2A Park Avenue, Roker, Sunderland. A warm welcome awaits you.
We also have a Prayer Meeting on Tuesdays at 10 am held at 28 Inverness Street, Fulwell, Sunderland which is open to everyone so please come and join us.
Fitsteps exercise classes (based around basic moves of Latin and Ballroom dancing) are held every Monday from 10.30 am - 11.45 am in the Priestman Hall at St. Andrew's Church, Roker, Sunderland, SR6 9PT. The class is suitable for all ages and abilities and no partner is required. No booking is necessary - just turn up and the cost is £3.50. You will receive a loyalty card and the 11th class is free.Contact Ashleigh (07557 345133) for more information or visit the facebook page at fitfreakz Dance & Fitness
The Ladies Fellowship usually meet in the Vestry Meeting Room at All Saints' Church, Fulwell each Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 pm. We often have guest speakers who give an insight into their particular area of expertise, hobby or interest. Please feel free to come and join us - new members are always very welcome.
Details of events and speakers appear on our facebook page at Parish of Monkwearmouth: St Andrew's, St Peter's & All Saints - Home.
The Social Group (previously the Men's Group) meet fortnightly at The Cliffe Pub, Mere Knowles Road, Sunderland, SR6 9LG and take part in the pub quiz enjoying a good night out whilst raising money for the Tearfund Charity. The group also meets around 4 times a year for a Curry Night! You don't have to drink when you come out (some have beer, some soft drinks and there is a kitty). The group is open to anyone over 18 (although under 18s can come to the curry nights).
If you would like to join us please check out our Parish facebook page for the latest information. The quiz starts at 9 pm so please come a little bit earlier so we're ready to start. Just look for me Michael Keirl. Hope to see you there!
For more information please contact Michael Keirl (on Facebook) or the Parish Office - 0191 5160135.
Monkwearmouth Drama Group meets in the Priestman Hall, St. Andrew's Church on Monday and Tuesday evenings at
7.00 pm.
The group is always looking for new members - whatever age - either to help behind the scenes or to take part in the productions. They stage everything from pantomime to Shakespeare. Why not pop along and see what takes place. If you'd like to find out more visit their facebook page: Monkwearmouth Drama Group
The Mothers' Union meetings are held fortnightly on Monday afternoons (2nd & 4th Monday of the month) at 2 pm at All Saints' Church in the Vestry Meeting Room. There are often guest speakers (followed by refreshments) and details appear on our facebook page at Parish of Monkwearmouth: St Andrew's, St Peter's & All Saints
A warm welcome is extended to everyone (you don't need to be a mum) if you would like to attend.
Find out more about the Mothers' Union by clicking on the button
Are you interested in attending an Photography Class? All ages are welcome.
We meet on Monday evenings at
7 pm at St. Peter's Church in Bede's Bakehouse, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
New members are always welcome so please just come along and join us.
Temporarily suspended
St. Andrew's Church runs a snooker club on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 pm - 10 pm and all day on Wednesday from 9.30 am - 4 pm. There is a yearly membership fee of £10 and a cost of £1.50 per night. Please contact Peter Elliott on 0191 548 2437 for further details and he will keep an eye out for you when you pop along. The entrance is at the west end of the Priestman Hall - to the left of the main entrance and up the steps, then ring the bell.
Do you like singing? St. Andrew's Operatic Society is always looking for new members to join them whether treading the boards or helping out behind the scenes. The group meet at 7.30 pm on Sunday evenings in the Priestman Hall at St. Andrew's Church. If you'd like to find out more visit the facebook page and send them a message. Facebook address is: St Andrew's Operatic Society, Sunderland.
Do you want to get fit? Are you looking for a new interest for yourself or your children? Have you thought of Taekwon-Do Classes? Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art characterised by punching and kicking techniques. Classes on Thursday evenings at St. Andrew's Church in the Priestman Hall, Talbot Road, Roker, Sunderland. SR6 9PT.
5 pm - 6 pm - Kids over 5 with family plus Teenagers and Adults
Contact Raymond Crooks: 07884 554507 for more details